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The Bhakti Course
Why learn about Bhakti
Weekly Live Class Link
Week One: Nirguna and Saguna Bhakti - the Form and the Formless
Week One Recording
Week One Chant: Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Week One Meditation
India 2025
Mahāyoga and Bhakti
Week Two Chant: Guru Antarayāmi
Mary Full of Grace
Week Two Class Video Recording
Week Two Meditation
The Yoga of Bhakti and the Bhakti of Yoga
Week Three Class Video Recording
Week Three Chant - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Rumi Story - Moses and the Shepherd
Bhakti and Protection
Week Four Class Video
Week Four Guided Meditation
Week Four Chant - Kāli Maheshwari
Rumi Poem
Gandhi Scene
Bhakti and the Divine Feminine
Video: Lajja Gauri - the Shameless Goddess - Dr. Varsha Choudhari
Week Five Class Video
Kirtan/Bhajan by Amma Amritanandamayi Ma
Kirtan for the Week - Jaya Jagadambe
Guided Meditation Audio - the Dark Mother
Shiva Sutra 1:12 (excerpt from my book)
Nine Modes of Bhakti
Week Six Class Video
Nine Modes
The Next Course - SPECIAL OFFER!
Teach online with
Week Three Class Video Recording
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